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New DSPP website

Please be aware that the Dudley Safeguarding People Partnership have a new website.

The new website can be found at: 

This website will be removed in due course.

National Safeguarding Adults Week 2021

Safeguarding Adults Week 2021 will take place from 15 - 21 November. Safeguarding Adults Week is a time for organisations to come together to raise awareness of important safeguarding issues. The aim is to highlight safeguarding key issues, facilitate conversations and to raise awareness of safeguarding best practice.

National Safeguarding Adults Week 2021

Below is our list of events that are taking place during Safeguarding Adults Week 2021:



Session theme

Time Slot

By Who

Link for event


Emotional Abuse and Safeguarding Mental Health

Domestic abuse and coercive control

09:00 – 09:45

Black Country Woman’s Aid

Booking Link


Emotional Abuse and Safeguarding Mental Health

Mental Health and Hoarding

10:00 – 11:00

West Midlands Fire Service and Clouds End

Booking Link


Emotional Abuse and Safeguarding Mental Health

Never too late project – it’s for over 55s experiencing DA

13:00 -14:00


Booking Link


Emotional Abuse and Safeguarding Mental Health

Mental Health




DSPP eLearning around Mental Capacity Act

Introduction to Mental Capacity Act


The power of Language

Safeguarding and Learning Disabilities

10:00 – 11:00

Dudley Voices for Choices

Booking Link


Adult Grooming

Scams and Financial Abuse Awareness

10:00 – 12:30

Trading Standards, Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council

Booking Link


Digital Safeguarding

Online harms and the risk to adults & young people


Safe and Sound / Dudley Safeguarding People Partnership

Online Harms - Introduction



Grooming and Online Harms and the risks they pose to Adults - with special guest Ivan Humble (Former Far-Right Associate)

13:00 – 15:30

Dudley Safeguarding People Partnership

We are pleased to announce that Ivan Humble who is a former Far-Right Associate, who was a member of the English Defence League will also be speaking about his journey through radicalisation. 

Booking Link


Creating Safer Organisational Cultures

Why did I not tell you?

13:30 – 14:30

Dudley Voices for Choices

Booking Link